the internet company

Beratung aus Dithmarschen für die Welt

Der Webserver speichert die IP Adresse des Zugriffs. Es werden keinerlei weitere Daten gespeichert, keine Cookies, kein gar nix

the internet company strongly supports Open Source Software.


Since 2007 connected, and since 2008 actively involved in the development and release scheduling of LinuxMCE, one of the biggest Open Source Projects.

Keeping a diverse group of developers spread around the globe focused on a single goal is a both challenging and rewarding.

Details about LinuxMCE can be found on the projects web site, as well as in an article on one of the leading European home automation blogs, Automated Home

LinuxMCE is a fork to the Pluto system aimed at the open source community.

PHProjekt - No longer actively involved

We were directly involved with PHProjekt, a project management and intranet software packages supporting tons of features, database backends and languages. Besides working with the main programmers to test and debug, the internet company actively maintains the LDAP integration of PHProjekt, as well as an addon for PHProjekt.

The phprojekt-imap-addon (hosted on Sourceforge) integrates seemless into PHProjekt. It retains the look and feel, utilizes login and address book, and will, in the future, allow for even tighter integration by directly storing attachments within PHProjekt, as well as adding the ability to import contacts from eMail into PHProjekt.

Another project is integrating Palm syncronisation with PHProjekt. One of the first results is the to-do syncer for PHProjekt using coldsync and a Perl skript to sync the to do's of PHProjekt with the To Do's on the Palm.

Syncing more data between PHProjekt and the Palm is going to happen. The first step must be to change the table layout of PHProjekt to allow for this to happen.

The first conduit that we created for coldsync has been the taketime-conduit. taketime-conduit syncs the TakeTime application running on the Palm with a database running under Linux. Together with the TakeTime Addon for PHProjekt we keep track of all our hours spend on various client projects and upload them directly into PHProjekt for our customers to see and verify.

The PHProjekt <-> Coldsync <-> Palm project has been halted

The reason are numerous, one is a missing project sponsor. Another reason are the current plans to go to a more universal route via SyncML.

Quickstart II - fli4l und interne Server

Right now in german, only.

Neben dem Quickstart I auf der fli4l-Homepage, gibt es hier nun einen weiteren Teil, welcher dem einen oder anderen bei der Einrichtung von fli4l helfen wird.

Quickstart II - fli4l und interne Server